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Japanese Soprano Mayu Fujita is promoting as concert singer all over Japan and Europa.

She was born in City of Toyota, Aichi. In the middle school she started to play saxophone, which was her first important connection to the music. At the same time Mayu enjoyed singing in the school chorus and especially some musical pieces.

Alongside the passionate activity by the blass orchestra of Toyota North Highschool, she prepared for admission to Musik university.


Mayu enrolled in the University of performing Arts Okinawa in 2006. Two years later she transferred to the International University Kagoshima and ended her bachelor degree successfully.


After her bachelor study she ended up in Europe. 

In 2013 Mayu enrolled in the University of music and performing Arts Graz on Master degree.

During her study she deserved scholarships from the city of Graz, Gesellschaft der Freunde der Kunstuniversität Graz, American Institute of Musical Studies and Italian language school Dante Alighieri Siena.


She graduated in 2016 successfully and started the career as concert singer. She won prizes and appears many concerts.


Mayu lives currently in Austria.  




第68回TIAA全日本クラシック音楽コンサート 審査員賞

・第67回東京国際芸術協会 新人演奏会奨励賞

・第20回”万里の長城杯”国際音楽コンクール 声楽部門一般の部A 第一位

・第12回フィラデルフィア音楽コンクール”パオロ・セッラオ” 声楽部門 第二位受賞(一位該当なし)

・第3回イスキア国際ソリスト&室内楽コンクール ソリスト部門E第二位受賞

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